IHMGC Rules and ByLaws

Indian Hill Men's Golf Club
Rules and ByLaws


    1. Name

      The name of this organization shall be the Indian Hill Men's Golf Club (IHMGC), hereinafter called the golf club.

    2. Membership

      All present and past members of Nokia, ALU, Lucent Technologies, Agere, Avaya, AT&T, NCR, any other Lucent spin-off, or authorized resident visitors, in good standing with the golf club (i.e. has paid club dues, etc.) are eligible to belong to the golf club.


    1. Officers

      The officers of the golf club shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman/Treasurer, League Secretaries, and a Substitute Secretary. The officers are elected annually by the membership or by the Executive Committee at the end of March for the current year.

    2. Chairman

      The Chairman shall be responsible for the affairs of the golf club which include: golf club budget, scheduling with golf courses, and conducting the election for the following year.

    3. Vice-Chairman/Treasurer

      The Vice-Chairman/Treasurer shall be available to assume the duties of any other officers of the golf club temporarily in case of absence or sickness. In addition, he shall be responsible for all finances of the golf club.

    4. League Secretaries

      The League Secretaries shall be responsible for reporting the results of the weekly competition to the players.

    5. Substitute Secretary

      The Substitute Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining a list of available substitutes and their handicaps as well as a list of regulars who will substitute on other nights.

    6. Executive Committee

      The Executive Committee shall consist of the current Officers of the golf club and the Chairman from the previous year. The Executive Committee shall serve as the rules committee and the prize committee. All questions affecting the golf club should be referred to the Executive Committee.


    1. Golf Club Roster

      Prior to the golf season, a sign up notice will be sent out to all members of the golf club by the Chairman no later than March 1. The results of this sign up will be used to compile the golf club roster for the year.

    2. Golf Club Fee

      The Executive Committee shall determine the amount of the annual golf club fee after determining the golf club roster.

    3. Regular Players

      A regular player is any player on the golf club roster who has paid his golf club fees.

    4. Substitutes

      A Substitute is any player on the golf club roster. A substitute golfer list will be maintained by the Substitute Secretary. Only listed substitutes and regular flight golfers may be employed as substitutes, except with the Substitute Secretary's or League Secretary's approval. Exceptions must be approved before the match is played. Any points won by an unapproved substitute, including team stroke play points, are forfeited to the opposing player(s) and team.

    5. League Membership

      In arranging the membership for a league, golfers will be given preference in the following order:

      1. Regular players who were on the golf club roster at the end of the previous season.
      2. Substitutes who were on the golf club roster at the end of the previous season.
      3. Regular players or substitutes who were on the golf club roster during the previous season.
      4. All new members.

      Exception to the above may be made at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


    1. General

      The golf club uses USGA handicapping rules which adheres to the World Handicap System, modified where necessary, for nine hole play.

    2. Handicap Index

      A Handicap Index is calculated from the lowest Score Differentials recorded. A Score Differential is calculated as follows and is rounded to the nearest tenth:

        Score Differential = ( 113 / Slope Rating ) * ( Adjusted Gross Score - Course Rating )

      The table below contains the number of rounds (i.e. Score Differentials) that will be used, along with any adjustments that may apply, to compute a Handicap Index. A computed Handicap Index is rounded to the nearest tenth.

        Number of
        Rounds Recorded
        Number of
        Rounds Used
        1 - 3 Lowest 1 -1.0
        4 Lowest 1 -0.5
        5 Lowest 1 0
        6 Lowest 2 -0.5
        7 - 8 Lowest 2 0
        9 - 11 Lowest 3 0
        12 - 14 Lowest 4 0
        15 - 16 Lowest 5 0
        17 - 18 Lowest 6 0
        19 Lowest 7 0
        20 Lowest 8 0

      There is no age limit on the Scoring Differentials used in calculating a Handicap Index.

    3. Establishing a Handicap Index

      A golfer without an established golf club handicap index will be assigned an estimated handicap index. A golfers estimated handicap index will be zero unless one of the following is provided;

      1. A USGA handicap index or an established handicap index or handicap from another golf club. If provided, this handicap index or handicap will be used as a golfers estimated handicap index.
      2. Score cards from rounds played either in the current year or the immediately preceding year. An estimated handicap index will be calculated using a percentage of the calculated handicap index according to the following table;

          Number of 9 Hole
          Rounds Played
          1 50%
          2 75%
          3 or more 96%

        Additional rounds to be used for estimating can not be turned in after having played at least one golf club round.

    4. Course Handicap

      The handicap used for golf club play and sponsored events will be the Course Handicap. Course Handicaps are calculated as follows:

        Course Handicap = Handicap Index * ( Slope Rating / 113 ) + ( Course Rating - Par )

      Course Handicap is rounded to the nearest whole number, with .5 rounded upwards.

    5. Maximum Hole Score for Handicapping Purposes

      The maximum score for each hole played is limited to net double bogey, calculated as follows:

        Par of the hole + 2 strokes + Any handicap strokes the player receives on that hole*
        (* or minus any handicap strokes a plus handicap player gives back on that hole)

      The maximum hole score is par + 5 for handicapping purposes.

      An Adjusted Gross Score is calculated by summing each hole score limited to Maximum Hole Score rules.

    6. Course Rating

      USGA course and slope ratings will be used where available. For courses where USGA ratings are not available, the rating for nine holes will be calculated as follows:

        Course Rating = 18.0 + ( Course yardage + 225 ) / 200
        Slope Rating   = 113

    7. Partial Matches

      Handicaps for partial matches (also see section "Partial Matches" under "LEAGUE RULES") will be dealt with as follows:

      1. Handicaps used for a partial match will be a golfers Course Handicap prorated by the number of holes played. For example, assume a golfer has a Course Handicap of 12 and has played a partial match consisting of 6 holes. The golfers Course Handicap used for that match will be 8, (12 * (6/9)). An example of this and associated scoring is given in the "Partial Match" portion of the "TEAM PLAY" Section.
      2. Scores shot for partial matches of 8 or more holes will count towards a golfers Handicap Index following USGA rules.

    8. Match Competition

      In match competition, handicap strokes are applied to the holes as they are handicap rated on the score card, starting with the #1 rated hole. If a golfer receives more than nine strokes, the process returns to the #1 rated hole for the 10th handicap stroke.

    9. Golf Club Exceptions to USGA Handicapping Rules

      1. Golfers with 1, 2 or 3 rounds (Scoring Differentials) recorded in the golf club records, Handicap Indexes will be calculate using rules of the USGA for 3 rounds played.
      2. Playing Conditions Calculation (PCC) adjustments to Score Differential calculations will not be made.
      3. The first round played for a golfer, the handicap used for that round will be the Course Handicap calculated after the round was played.
      4. Limits on the upward movement and submission of an exceptional scores will be dealt with on an as needed basis by the Executive Committee.
      5. The maximum Course Handicap is 27.


    1. Teams

      Each team will consist of two regular players as determined by the Executive Committee with consideration for member preferences. Matches must be played in direct head-to-head competition unless previously agreed upon and approved by the Executive Committee.

    2. Selection of A and B Players

      The lowest handicapped player (regular or substitute) for a team will be the "A" player. The other player is the "B" player. In case of equal handicaps, the team will determine the "A" and "B" players before playing the match.

    3. Point Scoring

      Normally 10 points are contested each night between teams. Two points, one point each in case of ties, are awarded to the winner of the following contests:

      1. Individual match play between "A" players.
      2. Individual medal play between "A" players.
      3. Individual match play between "B" players.
      4. Individual medal play between "B" players.
      5. Team medal play with the combined net score of one team against the combined net score of the other team.

      All points above are considered "team points". All team points may be forfeited, at the discretion of the League Secretary, if all members of a team have not paid their golf club fees.

    4. Partial Matches

      At least 5 holes must be completed to constitute an official match (also see section "Partial Matches" under "LEAGUE RULES"). For partial matches, the following rules apply;

      1. When figuring net scores for the purposes of both individual and team competition, net score is computed as gross score minus the full 9 hole handicap prorated for the number of holes played (see section "Partial Matches" under "HANDICAPS"). If both golfers do not play the same number of holes, net scores are computed using the number of holes played in common.
      2. When figuring hole-by-hole (match play) competition, handicap strokes are given on the same holes as in normal 9 hole competition. For example, if a golfer gets one stroke for a match on the 7th hole, and the match doesn't make it to the 7th hole, then the golfer does not get the stroke.

      Partial Match Example:

        Course: Dubs Dread - 5 holes played
        Teams: Pat and Jimmy
        Dick and Sam
        Matches: Pat (18) vs Dick (14)
        Jimmy (4) vs Sam (5)
        Prorated handicaps:
        Pat 18*5/9 = 10
        Dick 14*5/9 = 7.77 = 7
        Jimmy 4*5/9 = 2.22 = 2
        Sam 5*5/9 = 2.77 = 2

        Golfer Hole Num. 1 2 3 4 5 Gross Hdcp. Net
        Hole Hdcp. 8 2 7 6 4
        Pat 5x 8' 5 4x 8' 30 10 20
        Dick 6 7 5 5 7 30 7 23
        Jimmy 5 6 4 3 6 24 2 22
        Sam 4x 6 4 3 3x 20 2 18

        An x after a score indicates who won the hole.
        The ' mark shows where the higher handicapper gets strokes.

        Pat wins 2 points for holes 2 to 0
        Pat wins 2 points for strokes 20 to 23
        Sam wins 2 points for holes 2 to 0
        Sam wins 2 points for strokes 18 to 22
        Dick and Sam win 2 points for team stroke play 41 to 42

        Pat and Jimmy 4 points
        Dick and Sam 6 points

    5. Forfeits

      The intent of the following rules is to provide a penalty for regular members who fail to appear, while not penalizing a team for a sub who does not appear.

      Failure to appear at the tee, ready to play, prior to your scheduled tee time will result in one of the following;

      1. If only one member of a foursome appears, his team shall receive ten points and the opponents zero points.
      2. If a match is postponed from the original date due to lightning or foul weather (this requires agreement between members of each team) and if opposing teams fail to play their match within the allotted time period (also see section "SCHEDULED MATCHES"), this shall be viewed as a mutual forfeit, and zero points will be awarded to both teams.
      3. If a match is rescheduled from the original date at the request of one team (for reasons other than weather) and if opposing teams fail to play this match within the allotted time period (also see section "SCHEDULED MATCHES"), the team that requested the match to be rescheduled shall forfeit ten points to the opposing team.
      4. If one member of each team fails to appear, the two players present shall play a match for eight individual points and two team points.
      5. If one member of a foursome fails to appear whether the player tried to obtain a sub or not, and other provisions under section "SCHEDULED MATCHES" were not made, the remaining player will play both opponents. The player's scheduled match, as identified in section "Selection of A and B Players" under "TEAM PLAY", is unaffected, but in the doubled match (and consequently the team match) a two stroke handicap penalty will be assessed. For example: a player with a 9 handicap will play the scheduled match using a 9 handicap, but in the doubled match will use a 7 handicap; in the team match the penalized player will use both the 9 and 7 handicaps.
      6. If a sub fails to appear, the member of the team that is present shall represent the team by playing a doubled match without penalty.
      7. If a sub from each team fails to appear, a doubled match without penalty shall be played.
      8. If a player fails to complete a match, except as per section "Partial Matches" under "LEAGUE RULES", the player shall forfeit four individual match points to the opposing team for each match the player is playing and two team points.

      If the team members present do not wish to claim a forfeit, they may rescheduled the match, to a date of their choice, consistent with section "SCHEDULED MATCHES".

      Any individual who forfeits two or more rounds may be replaced at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


    1. General

      By previous agreement between teams, any match may be played at a different time or day other than scheduled. If possible, postponed matches should be played at the regular course. The League Secretary must be notified of postponed matches. Postponed matches should be played within 3 weeks of scheduled date but must be played before the end of that half, which ever comes first. If a match cannot be played within that time the League Secretary must be notified. Failure to notify the League Secretary will result in loss of all points involved and weekly prizes. Rainout matches only (see section "Questionable Playing Conditions"), should be rescheduled to the next scheduled makeup night, if and only if there is a scheduled makeup night.

    2. Starting Time

      Starting times may be assigned on a rotating team basis, on a first come first serve basis, or on a scheduled basis, at the discretion of the League Secretary. Due to the size of the league, each foursome should make the scheduled time or arrange a switch with another foursome. If a foursome is not ready to play at the appointed time, the foursome may play after all the scheduled foursomes have teed off upon mutual agreement of the foursome (see section "Forfeits" under "TEAM PLAY").

    3. Score Cards

      One score card should be official between two teams. The official score card must be signed by a player from each team. Score cards must be turned in the next working day so that the League Secretaries can carry out their duties.

    4. Questionable Playing Conditions

      If the weather is threatening or questionable on a scheduled playing night, it shall be the responsibility of the players to determine whether the matches are to be played. A steady rain or persistent lightning are sufficient reasons for postponement, but to be considered as a "RAINOUT," the match must be called off by mutual agreement of the foursome.

    5. Substitutes

      Players requiring substitutes must obtain their own substitute, someone whose handicap is within five strokes of the regular's handicap, if possible. Substitutes must be registered on the golf club roster. Names of substitutes with established handicaps are available from the Substitute Secretary. Substitutes must have their handicap determined before a match is played. Each team should be represented by at least one regular member for each night of competition. However, each team will be allowed twice in each half to have two substitutes for a given night without penalty. For each other occurrence of two substitutes for the same team, the team will be eligible only for half of the points that the two substitutes win. The other half of the points are lost and are not awarded to any team. Regular members of a league cannot substitute for another player in any flight they are scheduled to play.


    1. Teams

      In general, each league will be made up of two flights. Each flight will be made up of six 2-man teams. There may be occasional exceptions to this rule. For example, one flight or eight 2-man teams, depending upon golfer demand and availability.

    2. League Schedule

      The league schedule will be determined by the League Secretary or the Executive Committee.

    3. League Competition

      League competition will be split into two halves, the first half and the second half. The winner of the first half will play the winner of the second half to determine the league champion. The losing team of this match shall be positioned in second place for the season, regardless of total seasonal points. Other positions in the league will be determined by total points for the two halves.

      In the case of a tie between teams for a half or for the league championship, the following levels of tie breaking resolution shall be used to determine the winner in the order shown.

      1. Play a "tie-breaker" match. This match shall be played within one week of the end of the half being determined or within one week of the end of the season in the case of a flight championship tie. If a "tie-breaker" match is not played within the specified time period, tie breaking resolution item "c" will be used.
      2. If the "tie-breaker" match results in a tie, the tie will be broken using the "tie-breaker" match. The following method, or some other equivalent method that has been mutually agreed upon by the foursome prior to playing the "tie-breaker" match, will be used. Start with the last hole of the "tie-breaking" match and match handicap strokes per hole. The first team to have the lowest team handicapped score for a given hole, wins the match.
      3. If there is still a tie after applying items "a" and "b" or if execution of items "a" or "b" fails (i.e. no "tie-breaker" match was played), the League Secretary shall determine a winner by a means of the League Secretary's choice. Possibilities include; flipping a coin, drawing a card, etc.


    1. General

      There will be weekly and annual prizes. Except for the first place annual prizes, which will be determined each year by the Executive Committee, all other prizes will be golf balls.

    2. Weekly Prizes

      One golf ball will be awarded weekly between two competing teams. The player in each foursome who has the lowest net score will be awarded one golf ball. In case of ties, the golf ball will be awarded to the tied player with the lowest gross score. If a tie still persists, the players involved shall resolve the tie before leaving the course by mutual agreement or by flipping a coin.

    3. Annual Prizes

      Annual prizes will be awarded as season team prizes and individual prizes. The season team prizes will be awarded according to the position of the team in the final standings. In case of ties, golf balls will be distributed on as equitable a basis as possible. Where an uneven distribution must be made, each player's prize shall be determined by lot. The Executive Committee will determine the specific breakdown of the annual prizes.

    4. Individual Prizes

      Individual prizes will be awarded depending on the number of players in the flight. An individual may win only one individual prize per season. In case a player is eligible for more than one prize, the player shall be awarded the most valuable prize and, if a tie still persists, the gross score prize will be awarded before the net score prize.


    USGA rules for medal play shall govern all play except where modified by local or league rules. There will be no match play penalties. If a question of interpretation arises, the Executive Committee shall reserve sole authority and judgment of said interpretation.


    1. Winter Rules (Preferred Lie)

      Winter rules shall apply in your own fairway or on your own green. The winter rule allows a player to move his ball with his club head but not nearer to the hole to obtain a preferred lie. The ball cannot be moved more than six inches and not nearer to the hole. This rule shall not apply when a ball is in the rough, in another fairway or in a hazard.

    2. Ball Substitution

      A ball may be replaced anywhere in the fairway being played or on the green.

    3. Penalty Strokes

      Penalty strokes are strokes that must be added to the score on a hole as a penalty in addition to every stroke or attempted stroke.

    4. Hitting the Flagstick from the Putting Surface

      If the flagstick is in the hole and a ball hit from the putting surface strikes the flagstick, no penalty will be incurred. A ball that hits the flagstick that does not go in the hole, will be played where it lies. If the flagstick is out of the hole and hit by a stroked ball, no penalty will be incurred but the opponent will determine the position of the ball.

    5. Ball Out of Bounds

      If a player hits a ball out of bounds, he may elect:

      1. To immediately hit another ball and incur a penalty of one stroke (shooting three if the first ball is hit out of bounds from the tee).
      2. Incur a penalty of one stroke and play another ball within two club lengths from where the ball crossed the boundary.

      If there is any doubt whether a ball is out of bounds, a provisional ball may be played according to item "a" above. If the ball is indeed lost or out of bounds after a provisional ball has been played, the provisional ball must be played. No more than one provisional ball may be played at any time by any player.

    6. Lost Ball

      1. If a player hits a ball and has reason to believe that the ball is lost, a provisional ball may be played. If the ball is indeed lost, a penalty of one stroke shall be incurred and the provisional ball must be played.
      2. If a player cannot find his ball within 2 minutes, another ball shall be played from the vicinity of where the first ball was lost but still in the same environment and a penalty of one stroke shall be incurred. If the first ball is found before the second ball is hit the second time, the penalty strokes shall be disallowed and the first ball played as normal.

    7. Unplayable Lie

      When a ball is declared unplayable, the ball may be moved:

      1. Within two club lengths but not closer to the hole for a one-stroke penalty.
      2. Behind the point where the ball lies, keeping that point between the ball and the flagstick with no limit on the distance behind the point for a penalty of one stroke.

      If the ball is in a bunker (sand trap), the ball must be played from the bunker.

    8. Water Hazard

      If a player hits his ball into a water hazard, regular or lateral, a ball may be dropped anywhere along the flight of the ball but not nearer to the hole for a penalty of one stroke. If the ball was played from the tee, a second ball (provisional) may be played immediately from the tee incurring a penalty of one stroke.

    9. Ball in Sand

      A ball resting in a footprint in a sand trap may be lifted, the area smoothed, and the ball dropped from knee level to the approximate spot from which it was lifted without any penalty but with the permission of your opponent. Any roll of the ball thereafter is permissible providing the ball remains in the sand trap.

      Grounding of a club in a hazard before the downswing of the actual shot results in a penalty of one stroke for each occurrence. In other words, practice strokes that touch the sand are not allowed in a sand trap.

    10. Unintentional Hazards

      A ball lying in casual water, ground under repair, animal burrows, embedded in the ground, under fallen trees or limbs may be lifted, cleaned and dropped as near as possible to where it rested without any penalty.

    11. Ball on the Wrong Green or the Wrong Tee

      A ball lying on the wrong green or on the wrong tee must be removed along the line of flight but not nearer to the hole without any penalty.

    12. Hitting the Wrong Ball

      Each player in a group should play a ball with a different name or number. When a player hits the wrong ball except when in a hazard, the first player to hit the wrong ball shall incur a penalty of two strokes. The second player may play another ball without penalty from the vicinity of where his ball should have been.

    13. Practice Balls

      A player may not play any practice balls during the play of a match. The penalty is a 2-stroke penalty for each occurrence.

    14. Care of Course

      No carts or bags are to be placed on any of the tees; also, they are not allowed with 10 feet of any green. Please REPLACE ALL DIVOTS AND REPAIR BALL MARKS.

    15. Speed of Play

      Generally speaking, there are few foursomes in the league who play nine holes at a steady reasonable pace. This is generally due to the time spent around the greens or time spent looking for lost balls. A measure of slow play is the distance between your foursome and the foursome ahead of you. If the distance is more than half a hole, then your foursome should speed up play or allow the following foursome to play through. Players continuing to appear as slow players will be requested to tee off as the last group on the following weeks. The following suggestions should help to speed up play on the fairways:

      1. After hitting your ball, especially tee shots, walk directly to your ball, leave your golf cart as a marker if it will not interfere with the other players and only then help the others to find their golf balls.
      2. Hit your fairway shots when it is SAFE and you are ready. Always waiting for the player farthest from the hole to hit results in slow play.
      3. While waiting, select your club and take your practice swings.
      4. On par 3 holes, wave the following foursome up if they are ready before you begin putting.
      5. The following suggestions should speed up play on the greens:
        1. Line up your putt while waiting for others to putt.
        2. Putt when you are ready if it will not interfere with the other players.
        3. Continuous putting is at the discretion of the players.
      6. For a more detailed and comprehensive list of Golf Courtesies to Speed Up the Play, click here.

    16. Partial Matches

      If 5 or more holes of play are completed before suspension of play because of inclement weather, darkness or any valid reason as mutually agreed upon by the pair of golfers, the round shall be considered official and dealt with as a partial match. If for any reason, the pair of golfers does not complete 9 holes (i.e. one member gets called off the course due to an emergency), the match will be considered official only if at least 5 holes were played by the pair and will be dealt with as a partial match up to the last hole played in common. If 5 holes of play are not completed before play is suspended, the match shall be rescheduled for the entire foursome. The 5 holes played must be consecutive holes starting from the first hole.

Version: 27oct21